I'm sorry you think I’m rude but
- I was planning out something to say in my head
- I was feeling self-conscious
- I was thinking about how I’m socially awkward
- I was worrying whether you already didn’t like me
- I didn’t know what to say
- I find it really hard to talk to strangers
- I was worrying about whether you’ve found out I’m mentally ill
- I was wondering if what I just said was stupid
- I was scared I'd say something stupid
- I feel safer on my phone than talking to an actual person
- I had another social interaction earlier today and it did not go well
- I was remembering that mean thing a girl said to me when I was 10
- I feel unworthy of anyone’s attention today
- My chest feels tight and I’m not sure why
- I feel left out
- I know everyone’s talking about me
- I was actually trying not to cry
- I was afraid I would cry

People with mental illness often come across as rude or standoffish. But really, we’re just paranoid and
worried about what you think of us. We can be self-conscious and shy. We can act
reclusive because we presume no one likes us. Some of us have social anxiety.
Talking to strangers, or even people we know well, can cause us anxiety. And
sometimes we try to avoid all social interaction because of that.
Please be patient and don’t judge us just yet. It can take
us a while to feel comfortable around new people, and to pluck up the courage
to smile and talk to you.
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