Wednesday 21 September 2016

Create a Vision Board

You create your own luck

Back in January I chose to create a vision board. It was a simple, but creative act to help me map out my plan for the year ahead.

Wake Up! Your Life is Calling and Self Care for Life are just two of the self-help books I looked at this year that encourage their readers to create a vision board

A vision board is a poster, or creative space, where you depict what you want to attract into your life. Don't just select 'things' you want though. Think about what you want to feel, achieve or see. 

And as I was also creating 1, 3, and 5 year plans in my Life Handbook, I tried to tie my vision in to that as well.

My vision for 2016 was to bring more happiness into my life. I wanted to travel more, make an effort in my search for love, improve my career, reignite some friendships and work hard at my blog. Using newspaper and magazine cuttings, I mapped out where I wanted 2016 to take me - a place of happiness, romance, and success.

I placed my vision board on my bedroom wall as a daily visual reminder of what I wanted to attract into my life.

And I kid you not, it has totally worked. I have never believed that you can realise your dreams and goals just by thinking about them.

But my vision has come to pass.
By early January I had found a rather lovely gentleman who was everything I have ever been looking for. I ventured to London and Amsterdam, making future plans for travelling in the process.
I gained a full-time permanent position doing what I love.
I have become better, much better, at relaxing and unwinding with me-time.
I committed to my blog and have achieved success from doing so.

It's the law of attraction folks.

So venture forth my readers. Set out your vision. Make it visible daily. And watch your dreams come true.

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