Tuesday 13 October 2015

Just another mistake

 I don’t deal with mistakes well. I remember back last year when I realised I’d taken the wrong job; it wasn’t what I thought it was, the pay was awful, the boss even more so. I felt like a failure.

The night I realised the mistake I’d made I sat in bed and wailed. I didn’t cry – it was far more dramatic than that. I tossed and turned and tugged at my hair and hit my mattress with tears soaking through my top. It was dramatic but that’s how I felt – like my life was one big soap opera swinging from one life changing mistake to another.

Needless to say, I didn’t take another work related mistake this week very well.

I’ve spent the last day feeling physically sick, wracked with guilt at my screw up (because in my head, I am not allowed to ever make a mistake), and struggled to hold back the tears.

I used to experience this in college too. In fact, for my whole life. I didn’t take criticism from teachers well. I’d always end up on the verge of tears if my name was even mentioned in class. It became more profound in college with my diagnosis. Having depression made me feel like a failure as it was. I couldn’t even have healthy mental health. I couldn’t even be a ‘normal’ student. I’d failed to have the traditional college experience. I was weak and prone to mistakes because of my illness. My illness made me one big mistake. 

At least, that is how it felt.
When I got involved with mental health activism I felt like I’d messed up if there was a suicide in my community. I hadn’t reached them. I hadn't done enough. I’d failed yet again.

I’m currently back in that ship. So much for my positive Autumn mental health, eh?

Today I'm feeling delicate; like I'm teetering on the edge of a precipice. It's like that path that diverges and I can take one road, the way filled with self loathing and guilt, or I can take the road of the mentally healthy and forget it and move on. Except I don't know how to take that second road. I've barely ever taken it before, and I don't have a map to guide me through it. The first road of self loathing is the easier option for me... It sucks, but at least I have the comfort of having been there many times before. 

This is not end of the world stuff. I know that. It’s not even on the ‘I picked the wrong job’ level. But even the tiniest mistakes give me major anxiety. I can’t breathe. I can’t relax. I’ve only found slight release in writing this post. 

Everybody makes mistakes, I know that. But mine feel cataclysmic because they are mine.

This is not end of the world stuff, I know that. But I still can't stop the feeling that it is. 


  1. Oh Zoe, I hope you're okay, I can totally sympathise with how you feel at times. It's so hard dealing with anxiety and depression, I think some people don't realise how much of a rollercoaster a simple day can be.

    1. It really can be like a rollercoaster is right Fiona! x

  2. Hope you're ok - everyone does make mistakes and some of them are big ones too. Others not so much, hope you can get through this as I suspect it's not as big as you think it might be. Hugs x

  3. Whatever mistakes you make I hope eventually you'll be able to handle them and learn to forgive yourself. Take care lovely Xx

  4. I often think what is the worst case senario when im anxious about something or a mistake and then i think whats next worse thing and this helps me to be less worried - although its never easy I know!

    1. Great tip Angela! I was reading Dale Carnigie last week and he said something similar about how it can ease anxiety. Must actually put it into practice now x

  5. Hope you're feeling better Zoé. There is not one person in the world who does not make a mistake. Not one!! Try to remember this Zoé, we are here to make mistakes because that is how we learn most things in life. You are allowed to make to make as many mistakes as you need to. It's your right! You are doing fantastic work here blogging about your ups and downs. I'm sure you are helping so many people. Even if it's simply to show them that they are not alone. x

    1. Thank you Gloria! Surprisingly, even just writing about it has helped me so much. Thanks for always having my back and being so supportive x

  6. I hope you feel better soon and even though it's difficult to keep telling yourself this - everyone makes mistakes. Live without mistakes is just not normal at all and anyone who says they never make mistakes is a total liar. Keep your head up Zoe x

    1. Thank you Mary :) I know, think I might have to print out an 'everybody makes mistakes' note for my bedroom door xx

  7. I have depression and severe anxiety too and can often take criticism to heart. At first I thought it was because I was sensitive but now I think might be because I already have a low opinion of myself that it automatically seems to validate what my internal voice is saying. You are strong and I think it is inspirational that you have owned up to making mistakes as none of us are perfect.

    1. Aww thank you Ana. Yes, I definitely feel the same - it's to do with my low opinion of myself I think. That internal voice doesn't need extra external support!

  8. It's got nothing to do with you at all. It is hard to find the dream job/ a job you like and enjoy. I was lucky enough to find a job I like but it isn't always as easy. It took me a good while to find that.

  9. Oh I hope you are ok - be gentle with yourself, every human being makes mistakes. I try and learn from mine (hard to do!) Kaz x

  10. Sugar! I feel you.
    I feel like this nearly every day. But whats meant for you no-one can take.
    This positive and you'll receive positives :D
    Charlotte x

    1. Thanks Charlotte, I really like that phrase 'whats meant for you no-one can take' x
