Thursday 15 October 2015

Perfection is a skill, Darlings

I’m a perfectionist. It’s become especially evident to me since I wrote about my fear of and reaction to mistakes post earlier this week.

You see, I define perfection as me never making mistakes. Or at least, never making mistakes that other people notice. And don’t admit publicly that you made a mistake. God, that would be embarrassing. 

I expect perfection from myself. Be it in my appearance, my work, my crafting, my blog.
Mistakes are not an option for me.
I judge myself harshly for failure.
And I am my own worst critic when I don’t achieve my high standards.  

When I wasn’t scoring 100% in my piano exams and my older sister was, I quit.
When I didn't understand Higher Level Maths straight away or without effort, I quit. Better to do Ordinary Level and get a perfect A than struggle to pass Higher Level.
When I couldn’t understand the moves or routines in my first Zumba class, I wanted to quit and never go back. But I’d already paid for 10 classes. I couldn’t walk away from my money that easily.

Even when it comes to my mental health the need for perfection is there.
When my depression interfered with my ability to study, concentrate, write and generally do any sort of work in college, I hated myself for it. Despite not having the energy or brain power to even read a sentence, I still expected myself to get A's. If I couldn't even do well in the subjects I loved, then what was the point of anything?
I punish myself for slip ups. I see my tears as a sign of failure. 

As harshly as I criticise myself, I don’t judge anyone else by these standards. I will forever tell people that it’s alright to cry. And it is, I truly believe that. Just not always when it comes to myself.

People tell me that I can talk to them about what’s getting me down. But in certain circumstance I just can’t. I want you to think the best of me. When it comes to talking about my mistakes I need time and distance between the event and me admitting I messed up. Time and distance away from my hurt. It's hard to admit your mistakes when you have low self worth to begin with. 

It can be healthy to always want to do your best. It shows commitment and dedication. It’s not a bad thing to aim to do better. But what about when it goes too far?

I had a horrible experience as a result of my insistence on perfection earlier this year. I’ve always liked to show my friends the ‘filtered’ version of my mental health. Yes, I’ll admit I was a bit down, but I’ll also mention that I’m working on it and it’s fine. My down spell will normally manifest itself in a blog post before my friends even noticed that I was feeling a little sad. I generally don't want to talk about it because I HATE the thought of people worrying about me. It means I’m not achieving this ‘perfection’ I strive for.

So back in January when I tried to open up to a friend about how low I was at the time they dismissed me. They didn’t listen to what I might have had to say. They shut me down immediately with something along the lines of ‘Sure you’re fine now aren't you? You'll be grand.’ Except this time it didn’t feel like I would be. And the one person I chose to open up to didn’t want to hear.

I kept telling people I was fine when I wasn’t, and when I actually needed help because I was so scared, people presumed I’d be fine. It was like a twisted version of the Boy Who Cried Wolf…

It’s hard to be honest when you struggle with mental illness. You don’t want to drag other people down with you. Sometimes you don't want to admit that you still struggle with it. But at times I’m not even honest with myself.
“We are so customed to disguise ourselves to others that, in the end, we become disguised to ourselves.”Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch
Being faultless? Who can truly live up to that standard?

Trust me, I know perfection is an achievable myth. I doubt it exists. It’s like wanting the filtered Instagram version of life. It’s what you see of the world, so it’s natural to expect the same in your own life.

I know that it isn’t real. But yet I still continue to insist that I not only strive towards it, but achieve it. That's not being honest with myself. 

I have to do something to counter this behaviour. Judging myself so harshly only works to decrease my self-worth; I’m not gaining anything from it, just chipping away little pieces of my own armour.

I found this quote that sums up the issue with being a perfectionist. 
“Perfectionism means that you try not to leave so much mess to clean up. But clutter and mess show us that life is being lived.”―Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life
While it might be aspiring to not leave a mess behind as you go through life, the mess is what shows us we've actually lived. It actually makes me feel much better about my earlier mistake... 


  1. I don't think there's anything wrong with having high standards pushing yourself to be better, but I think that you have to give yourself a break and know that your best IS good enough! It saddened me to hear that when you did decide to share how you were feeling, you're friend didn't want to hear it. Please don't let that put you off, I'm sure you have other friends that would be happy to support you!

  2. This is so deep, My parents expect high from me. So I strive to be better and get things right. But what I feel in the inside it's destroying me. I mean it's okay if you can't do one thing but you are good at other things. It depends on your capability. And then the point where you don't want to bother other people. But you know what? Just keep on going. Friends come and go. I have a lot of that but the only person who are there for you is your own blood.


    1. Thanks Ana. I hope you're okay and are dealing with the pressure of high expectations x

  3. It's funny how the advice we dish out is so much harder to apply to ourselves, isn't it? It's so easy to tell our kids that we learn so much from mistakes but then as adults it's so hard to do!

    1. It really is Erin! I think we judge ourselves too harshly sometimes and have higher standards for ourselves. It's good to a point, but can be unhealthy x

  4. Goodness, I really don't know how to respond to this! I don't think there's any harm in wanting to be a perfectionist but I equally don't think there's anything wrong with making mistakes. I just hope that you're ok - I sensed a sadness when I read your post X

    1. Aww thank you Louise, sometimes I write just to get it all out, so there can be a sadness, but the writing helps lift it x

  5. That quote is brilliant, it's sums it up perfectly. It is awful that you tried to open up and your friend wasn't receptive to it, I know how difficult it is to make that first step

    1. I think it's just reminded me that there are people you can open up to and people you can't. And that's okay x

  6. I related to this post so much! I've had a lot of thoughts this week about how the super woman standard I've set myself is detrimental to me at the moment. I'm recovering from illness and the death of my Dad this year and emotionally struggling but I never seem to be able to let up. It took a mini meltdown this week to wake me up to the fact that striving to be perfect isn't always a good thing,

    1. You summed it up so well - superwoman standard. It's so unrealistic, and it causes more harm than good. I hope knowing you're not alone with these thoughts helped x

  7. I'm so sorry to hear that when you felt able to let your guard down and talk to your friend that they didn't want to hear. That must have been really tough for you. But don't let it put you off sharing how you feel with others, you just need to find the right person who is able to really listen to how you feel without trying to minimise it. Xx

  8. I am also a perfectionist so totally get where you are coming from. However, I have started to be more gentle with myself. We can't be perfect only do our best. Accepting that is hard though when you're a perfectionist.

    1. It is Janette, but it's such an important part of having healthy mental health. Strange thing to have to correct your way of thinking, but important!

  9. great post dear! I love your blog:)

  10. I'm a perfectionist too. I know everything in life can not be perfect but I find it very hard to settle for anything less. It's. Work in progress for me.

  11. I like to do everything right too but i have to try and balance it. It can make me unwell otherwise. Especially when it comes to my blog template...I like it to look perfect lol!

    1. I wish my blog template looked more like yours Angela :L

  12. So sorry to hear that when you decided to open up to someone you were dismissed, that's heartbreaking. I really relate to this post, I judge myself so harshly but would never judge other in the same way. I have started living by the motto that's it's not about being the best it's about being good enough xxx

    1. Ahh I love that motto Sandra! It's such an honest way to look at things, because realistically, the majority of us won't be the best x

  13. We judge ourselves so harshly don't we? I try my best, but really try not to beat myself up if I make a mistake. Kaz x

  14. There is defiantly nothing wrong with having high standards.
    But are people seeing 'real' high standards or Social Media high standards that aint actually all that 'perfect' thats what we have to remember. Mistakes are a part of growing up JUST make sure you learn from them and keep it moving x

    1. Good point about learning from your mistakes. I think I have the habit of glossing over them and trying to forget rather than seeing what I can take from them x

  15. I'm just like you! And because we both suffer from depression it's quite hard to be "perfect" all the time and although I read a lot of beautiful motivational quotes about how imperfection is beautiful I can't absorb them. It's like there's a barrier between my brain and what I should do.

    1. Totally agree with you, with depression there really can be a barrier between what we know and how we behave as well. Like I know crying is okay, I know having bad days are normal, but when I have them I judge myself and think I'm a failure!

  16. Oh gosh, judging on that last comment, I have left a terrible mess in my wake! I think I have perfectionist tendency's, but with a scatterbrain approach. Therefore I am constantly doing my own head in.
    Great post, as always. Very thought provoking.
    Anna x

    1. Thank you Anna, and noooo of course you haven't left a mess in your wake :P xx
