Sunday 17 April 2016

Things I Did on my Device Free Evening

One of the (many) stress inducing things I wanted to be free from this month was devices. I committed to ditching all technology, my phone and laptop, from 11pm at night in my last post. But then I decided to go one further and give them up for one whole evening.

From 5:30pm I ditched my laptop and my phone and spent the whole evening doing things other than surfing the web, binge watching TV shows, and checking my phone for replies.

Here's what I did on my device free evening:

+ Went to the pharmacy
+ Put on laundry
+ Put out the bins
+ Took blog photos
+ Made Dinner
+ Made my bed
+ Cleaned my bedroom
+ Finished my book
+ Had a bath
+ Planned outfits for the weekend
+ Wrote a blog post (on paper of course)
+ Worked on my scrapbook
+ Added to my Bucket List
+ Painted my nails

It's safe to say, I was more productive than ever, and I felt that I was finally achieving something with my post-work evening.

And there are so many more activities you could add to the list for your own device free evening.
With the weather getting better, why not go out for a walk in your neighbourhood or local park?
Or maybe take the unplugged occasion to meet and catch-up with a friend, leaving the phone behind?

Staying unplugged isn't as difficult as I thought it would be. It's a refreshing experience, and something I'd like to replicate every week.

Why not dedicate yourself to a device free evening? I know I'll be practicing once a week!  

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